case_id |
Id to merge on |
actualdpd_943P |
Days Past Due (DPD) of previous contract (actual). |
annuity_853A |
Monthly annuity for previous applications. |
approvaldate_319D |
Approval Date of Previous Application |
byoccupationinc_3656910L |
Applicant's income from previous applications. |
cancelreason_3545846M |
Application cancellation reason. |
childnum_21L |
Number of children in the previous application. |
creationdate_885D |
Date when previous application was created. |
credacc_actualbalance_314A |
Actual balance on credit account. |
credacc_credlmt_575A |
Credit card credit limit provided for previous applications. |
credacc_maxhisbal_375A |
Maximal historical balance of previous credit account |
credacc_minhisbal_90A |
Minimum historical balance of previous credit accounts. |
credacc_status_367L |
Account status of previous credit applications. |
credacc_transactions_402L |
Number of transactions made with the previous credit account of the applicant. |
credamount_590A |
Loan amount or card limit of previous applications. |
credtype_587L |
Credit type of previous application. |
currdebt_94A |
Previous application's current debt. |
dateactivated_425D |
Contract activation date of the applicant's previous application. |
district_544M |
District of the address used in the previous loan application. |
downpmt_134A |
Previous application downpayment amount. |
dtlastpmt_581D |
Date of last payment made by the applicant. |
dtlastpmtallstes_3545839D |
Date of the applicant's last payment. |
education_1138M |
Applicant's education level from their previous application. |
employedfrom_700D |
Employment start date from the previous application. |
familystate_726L |
Family State in previous application of applicant. |
firstnonzeroinstldate_307D |
Date of first instalment in the previous application. |
inittransactioncode_279L |
Type of the initial transaction made in the previous application of the client. |
isbidproduct_390L |
Flag for determining if the product is a cross-sell in previous applications. |
isdebitcard_527L |
Previous application flag indicating if product being applied for is a debit card. |
mainoccupationinc_437A |
Client's main income amount in their previous application. |
maxdpdtolerance_577P |
Maximum DPD with tolerance (on previous application/s). |
num_group1 |
0 |
outstandingdebt_522A |
Amount of outstanding debt on the client's previous application. |
pmtnum_8L |
Number of payments made for the previous application. |
postype_4733339M |
Type of point of sale. |
profession_152M |
Profession of the client during their previous loan application. |
rejectreason_755M |
Reason for previous application rejection. |
rejectreasonclient_4145042M |
Reason for rejection of the client's previous application. |
revolvingaccount_394A |
Revolving account that was present in the applicant's previous application. |
status_219L |
Previous application status. |
tenor_203L |
Number of instalments in the previous application. |