case_id |
Id to merge on |
annualeffectiverate_199L |
Interest rate of the closed contracts. |
annualeffectiverate_63L |
Interest rate for the active contracts. |
classificationofcontr_13M |
Classificiation of the active contract. |
classificationofcontr_400M |
Classificiation of the closed contract. |
contractst_545M |
Contract status. |
contractst_964M |
Contract status of terminated credit contract. |
contractsum_5085717L |
Sum of other contract values. |
credlmt_230A |
Credit limit of the closed credit contracts from credit bureau. |
credlmt_935A |
Credit limit for active loan. |
dateofcredend_289D |
End date of an active credit contract. |
dateofcredend_353D |
End date of a closed credit contract. |
dateofcredstart_181D |
Date when the credit contract was closed. |
dateofcredstart_739D |
Start date of a closed credit contract. |
dateofrealrepmt_138D |
Date of credit's closure (contract termination date). |
debtoutstand_525A |
Outstanding amount of existing contract. |
debtoverdue_47A |
Amount that is currently past due on a client's existing credit contract. |
description_351M |
Categorization of clients by credit bureau. |
dpdmax_139P |
Maximal days past due for active contract. |
dpdmax_757P |
Maximum days past due for a closed contract. |
dpdmaxdatemonth_442T |
Max DPD occurrence month for terminated contracts from credit bureau data. |
dpdmaxdatemonth_89T |
Month when maximum days past due occurred on the active contract with the credit bureau. |
dpdmaxdateyear_596T |
Year when maximum Days Past Due (DPD) occurred for the active contract. |
dpdmaxdateyear_896T |
Year of maximum Days Past Due of closed contract obtained from Credit Bureau. |
financialinstitution_382M |
Name of financial institution that is linked to a closed contract. |
financialinstitution_591M |
Financial institution name of the active contract. |
instlamount_768A |
Instalment amount for the active contract in credit bureau. |
instlamount_852A |
Instalment amount for closed contract. |
interestrate_508L |
Interest rate for a closed contract in the credit bureau. |
lastupdate_1112D |
Date of last update for an active contract from credit bureau. |
lastupdate_388D |
Date of last update for a closed contract in the credit bureau. |
monthlyinstlamount_332A |
Monthly instalment amount for active contract. |
monthlyinstlamount_674A |
Monthly amount of instalment payment on a closed contract. |
nominalrate_281L |
Interest rate of the active contract. |
nominalrate_498L |
Interest rate for closed contract. |
num_group1 |
0 |
numberofcontrsvalue_258L |
Number of active contracts in credit bureau. |
numberofcontrsvalue_358L |
Number of closed credit contracts. |
numberofinstls_229L |
Number of instalments on closed contract. |
numberofinstls_320L |
Number of instalments of the active contract. |
numberofoutstandinstls_520L |
Number of outstanding instalment for closed contract. |
numberofoutstandinstls_59L |
Number of outstanding instalments for the active contracts. |
numberofoverdueinstlmax_1039L |
Number of outstanding instalments for active contracts. |
numberofoverdueinstlmax_1151L |
Maximum number of past due installments for a closed contract. |
numberofoverdueinstlmaxdat_148D |
Date of maximum number of past due instalments for the closed contract. |
numberofoverdueinstlmaxdat_641D |
Date of maximum number of past due instalments for the active contract. |
numberofoverdueinstls_725L |
Maximum number of past due instalments for an active contract. |
numberofoverdueinstls_834L |
Number of past due instalments for a closed contract. |
outstandingamount_354A |
Outstanding amount for closed credit contract in credit bureau. |
outstandingamount_362A |
Active contract's outstanding amount. |
overdueamount_31A |
Past due amount for a closed contract. |
overdueamount_659A |
Past due amount for active contract. |
overdueamountmax2_14A |
Maximal past due amount for an active contract. |
overdueamountmax2_398A |
Maximal overdue amount for a closed contract. |
overdueamountmax2date_1002D |
Date of maximal past due amount for a closed contract |
overdueamountmax2date_1142D |
Date of maximal past due amount for an active contract. |
overdueamountmax_155A |
Maximal past due amount for active contract. |
overdueamountmax_35A |
Maximal past due amount for a closed contract. |
overdueamountmaxdatemonth_284T |
Month when the maximum past due amount occurred for a closed contract. |
overdueamountmaxdatemonth_365T |
Month when maximum past due amount occurred for an active contract. |
overdueamountmaxdateyear_2T |
Year when the maximum past due amount occurred for active contracts. |
overdueamountmaxdateyear_994T |
Year when maximum past due amount occurred for closed contract. |
periodicityofpmts_1102L |
Frequency of instalments for a closed contract. |
periodicityofpmts_837L |
Frequency of instalments for an active contract. |
prolongationcount_1120L |
Count of prolongations on terminated contract according to credit bureau. |
prolongationcount_599L |
Count of active contract prolongations. |
purposeofcred_426M |
Purpose of credit for active contract. |
purposeofcred_874M |
Purpose of credit on a closed contract. |
refreshdate_3813885D |
Date when the credit bureau's public sources have been last updated. |
residualamount_488A |
Residual amount of a closed contract. |
residualamount_856A |
Residual amount for the active contract. |
subjectrole_182M |
Subject role in active credit contract. |
subjectrole_93M |
Subject role in closed credit contract. |
totalamount_6A |
Total amount of closed contracts. |
totalamount_996A |
Total amount of active contracts in the credit bureau. |
totaldebtoverduevalue_178A |
Total amount of past due debt on active contracts. |
totaldebtoverduevalue_718A |
Total overdue debt amount for closed credit contracts. |
totaloutstanddebtvalue_39A |
Total outstanding debt for active contracts in the credit bureau. |
totaloutstanddebtvalue_668A |
Total outstanding debt for the closed contracts in the credit bureau. |