case_id |
Id to merge on |
amount_1115A |
Credit amount of the active contract provided by the credit bureau. |
classificationofcontr_1114M |
Classificiation of the active contract. |
contractdate_551D |
Contract date of the active contract |
contractmaturitydate_151D |
End date of active contract. |
contractst_516M |
Contract status. |
contracttype_653M |
Contract Type |
credlmt_1052A |
Credit limit of an active loan. |
credlmt_228A |
Credit limit for closed loans. |
credlmt_3940954A |
Credit limit for active loan. |
credor_3940957M |
Creditor's name |
credquantity_1099L |
Number of credits in credit bureau |
credquantity_984L |
Number of closed credits in credit bureau. |
debtpastduevalue_732A |
Amount of unpaid debt for existing contracts. |
debtvalue_227A |
Outstanding amount for existing debt contracts. |
dpd_550P |
The number of days past due for active loans where a guarantee has been provided. |
dpd_733P |
Days past due (DPD) for guaranteed loans that were terminated according to credit bureau data. |
dpdmax_851P |
Maximal past due days for active contracts in the credit bureau. |
dpdmaxdatemonth_804T |
Month when the maximum Day Past Due (DPD) occurred for active contracts on credit bureau's records. |
dpdmaxdateyear_742T |
Year of the maximum Days Past Due (DPD) on an active credit contract in the credit bureau. |
installmentamount_644A |
Instalment amount of a closed and secured credit contract. |
installmentamount_833A |
Instalment amount for a secured and active contract in credit bureau. |
instlamount_892A |
Instalment amount for active credit contract. |
interesteffectiverate_369L |
Interest rate on active contract. |
interestrateyearly_538L |
Annual interest rate for existing contract obtained from credit bureau. |
lastupdate_260D |
Last update date for the active contracts. |
maxdebtpduevalodued_3940955A |
Days past due at the time of the maximum debt. |
num_group1 |
0 |
numberofinstls_810L |
Number of instalments for the active contract. |
overdueamountmax_950A |
Maximal past due amount for active contract. |
overdueamountmaxdatemonth_494T |
Month when the maximum past due amount was recorded for an active contract with the credit bureau. |
overdueamountmaxdateyear_432T |
Year when max past due amount occurred for active contract. |
periodicityofpmts_997L |
Frequency of instalments for active credit contracts. |
periodicityofpmts_997M |
Frequency of instalments for active credit contracts. |
pmtdaysoverdue_1135P |
Number of days past due for existing contracts in the credit bureau. |
pmtmethod_731M |
Instalment payment method for existing contract in credit bureau. |
pmtnumpending_403L |
Number of pending payments for active contract. |
purposeofcred_722M |
Purpose of credit for active contracts. |
residualamount_1093A |
Residual amount of closed guarantee contract. |
residualamount_127A |
Residual amount of active guarantee contract. |
residualamount_3940956A |
Residual amount for the active contract. |
subjectrole_326M |
Subject role in active credit contract. |
subjectrole_43M |
Subject role in closed credit contract. |
totalamount_503A |
Total amount of active secured credit for a client. |
totalamount_881A |
Total amount of secured credit from closed contracts. |