case_id |
Id to merge on |
birth_259D |
Date of birth of the person. |
birthdate_87D |
Birth date of the person. |
childnum_185L |
Number of children of the applicant. |
contaddr_district_15M |
Zip code of a contact person's address. |
contaddr_matchlist_1032L |
Indicates whether the contact address is found in a code list. |
contaddr_smempladdr_334L |
Indicates whether the contact address is the same as the employment address. |
contaddr_zipcode_807M |
Zip code of contact address. |
education_927M |
Education level of the person. |
empl_employedfrom_271D |
Start date of employment. |
empl_employedtotal_800L |
Employment length of a person. |
empl_industry_691L |
Employment Industry of the person. |
empladdr_district_926M |
District where the employer's address is located. |
empladdr_zipcode_114M |
Zipcode of employer's address. |
familystate_447L |
Family state of the person. |
gender_992L |
Gender of a person. |
housetype_905L |
House type of the person. |
housingtype_772L |
Type of housing of the person. |
incometype_1044T |
Type of income of the person |
isreference_387L |
Flag indicating whether the person is a reference contact. |
language1_981M |
The primary language of the person. |
mainoccupationinc_384A |
Amount of the main income of the client. |
maritalst_703L |
Marital status of the client. |
num_group1 |
0 |
personindex_1023L |
Order of the person specified on the application form. |
persontype_1072L |
Person type. |
persontype_792L |
Person type. |
registaddr_district_1083M |
District of person's registered address. |
registaddr_zipcode_184M |
Registered address's zip code of a person. |
relationshiptoclient_415T |
Relationship to the client. |
relationshiptoclient_642T |
Relationship to the client. |
remitter_829L |
Flag indicating whether the client is a remitter. |
role_1084L |
Type of contact role. |
role_993L |
Person's role. |
safeguarantyflag_411L |
Flag indicating if client is using a flexible product with additional safeguard garanty. |
sex_738L |
Gender of the client. |
type_25L |
Contact type of a person. |